chePBT text: [Generate a matéman for me I need: a silhouetted cartoon of a bald, fat man; he’s wearing a sleeveless shirt, a pair of shorts and slippers; his head is a round, like a ball, with three straight lines (two short ones for the eyes, a longer one for the mouth); he’s drinking maté from a bombilla and with the same hand he holds a large thermos flask; an arrow points and describes a mate (checkmate) with herb (yerbamaté). Here ¿what you think, mate?]

Dedicated to the Uruguayan people, where mate is passion, and to all those who lack water.

Painting on towel: ‘Echo and Narcissus’ by John William Waterhouse, 1903 (oil on canvas)

🍂autumn wind;🐦nightingale;🍞two- one criollito;🚽whoever comes, flush the toilet, wash your hands well and close the door, ‘thanks very much;📰Yerba maté price is on the rise

This one is specially dedicated to my sister Soledad Moreno (green mug) and my route companion Elona Hoover (tubers’ painting)

To those who never drank maté… It’s about some of the bad habits that ‘happen’ when preparing and drinking maté. The nightmares of boiling the water without mixing it with cold water to have it at the right temperature, the stirring and stirring of the bombilla, undoing all the effort of the cebador/a/e/x/@, of getting the bombilla clogged and being unable to suck. The book on the bedside table, boiled maté, truths and myths, is so that those who do not want to take the time to prepare a good maté, can brew a cheap and alternative green tea…

It’s a play of words. For those who never drank maté, the joke isn’t the seagull shitting on his recently washed T-shirt, which actually refers to events suffered by the author. Rather, the joke lies in the absurd, and terrible, of a maté lavado (washed)‘; that moment when, in the folklore of maté drinking, the herbs are floating within the gourd and it doesn’t get replenished…

In the hieroglyphs of this drawing, I have tried to narrate the harvest, production and preparation of mate (maté)… according to the ancient scriptures… or perhaps it’s ‘cos that’s just how I like to drink it!

It is best not to boil water when preparing maté, it loses oxygen, destroys the herbs. If you do, ‘cut’ (cool) it with cold water to bring the temperature down.

To my brother, Mario