Hommage to Diego Armando Maradona
30.10.1960 – 25.11.2020
Details: Left to right, top to bottom: Radio commentary with Víctor Hugo Morales narration’s of Maradona’s ‘Hand of God’ goal against England in the 1986 World Cup quarter-finals in Mexico, 22.6. 1986; small bench; clock with the local time (Azteca Stadium, Mexico City) of Maradona’s ‘Goal of the Century’ against England during the same match; six English scones in the oven representing the six English defenders dribbled by Maradona (Argentinian expression ‘en el horno’ (in the oven) = in trouble).

Happy Friends Day (we celebrate this in Argentina and elsewhere in South America). This drawing is for friends and family wherever you are. In the drawing, I managed to screw up the hand of the bearded dude. So, I am dedicating it to Oswaldo Guayasamin. For those who don’t know about him, here you can find out about the Ecuadorian painter and sculptor: Oswaldo Guayasamín

To my Dad, Chidoro-El Gallego
This drawing is inspired by two great artists my dad admired and very much followed. The first is Norman Percel Rockwell, New York born painter and illustrator whose famous painting “Triple Self-Portrait” (1960) is the muse for this drawing. The other is Juan Jose Delfini, painter and illustrator from Ucacha (Córdoba), from where my Dad was from. The portrait with Chidoro-Gallego Moreno is dedicated to Delfini, and it is a cheap hommage to a painting of his which he gave my dad as a present back in the 70s. The original is in Salsipuedes (Get Out If You Can), Córdoba. Today is 22 of 02 of 2020… And no, the map isn’t upside down.

Hommage to Quino
17.7.1932 – 30.9.2020
Tribute to Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino, creator of Mafalda and many other beautiful moments.
to laugh a little everyday, serious stuff. Thank you, Quino.

For this latest drawing, I wanted to pay homage to explorer, oceanographer and ecologist Jacques-Yves Cousteau, hence the name of the research submarine ‘Cousteaudia SC’… and the hat, of course.

This drawing is dedicated to Enrique ‘El Ñato’ Paez, a historical and much-loved Cordovan audiovisual producer. Photographer, cameraman, director, documentary filmmaker, graphic designer and illustrator …
The title for this drawing I stole it from Jorge Pablo Gilli. It evokes when, covering the world rally races in Cordoba, Ñato would literally hang from the television channel’s helicopter to film the cars. They told me about this when growing up, but I had never seen it until I saw the photo published by Gilli (a common friend). That photo shows Ñato in the helicopter of the Motores en Marcha tv-program (Motta Producciones) with pilot Norberto Acordeiro. Other than hanging from helicopters to film the Córdoba rally, Ñato was a graphic illustrator for the now-defunct newspaper “Los Principios” (Principles), where he was a special envoy to Comodoro Rivadavia during the Falklands War. I didn’t get to know Ñato much personally, thanks to my old man, Carlos ‘El Gallego’ Moreno, Ana, his unconditional road companion, and some of his friends. I have read that he worked with other Córdoba geniuses such as José Antonio “el Pepe” Bellotti and Jorge “Jetón” Bravo with whom he did photography and advertising shorts in the 1960s in 16 millimeters. That he was a contemporary of another Cordobean audiovisual maestros such as Guillermo López. Friend and colleague of Carlos ‘El Gato’ (The Cat) Ludueña, another Cordobean maestro in photography and all that that goes from the audiovisual … and cats. His cinematographic work included the documentaries ‘Ansenuza’, ‘Pampa de Achala’, ‘Nosotros los cordobeces’, and the tv-series ‘El musiquero’ (by José Luis Serrano, or ‘Doña Jovita’ as his comic character is known, and in collaboration with Ricardo Vargas). Definetely, a beautiful human being. A ‘painter of instants’ as journalist and friend ‘Gonio’ Ferrari describes in his blog. I will remember his laugh in those asados I was able to sneak into with my dad, the remote-controlled car that he brought to me and my brothers from the USA (which we were never able to make work), and his Jeep, parked in the garage in Romagoza. Thanks Ñato!

To my mum, Luci-Lutti-Luchía-Má
Details, left to right, top to bottom: loose wheel; flea market umbrella; folding tables; cheaky little goblin; incense; boxes (foam rubber puppets, light balls and helicopters, mandalas, seed sacks, wires, blinkis (lights)); puddle; wooden frog; 65 frogs; rain.

For my sister, Sole

For my sister, Guada, and my niece, Alma

To my brother, Mario

To my brother, Andrés

For my route compagnon, Elona
Tribute to the formal submission of her doctoral thesis, and her enormous and beautiful, always inspiring, humanity, work and creativity.

To our son Nawel, who joined us on Tuesday 30 March 2021. We love you.
Jaguar cartoon inspired on Loreto Salinas’ illustration Yaguarete
In Spanish, Nawel is often spelled as Nahuel. In Arabic, there’s Nawal (gift), while in Breton there is Nahüel. We chose the closest and earliest transliteration of the Mapundungun name, with w, as this was originally only a spoken language. In Mapundungun (the language of the earth of the Mapuche peoples, native Americans of what is today Chile and Argentina), Nawel means jaguar. According to a legend in Argentina, one of the cousins of Nessie, the Scottish monster, inhabits in the Lake Nawel Huapi. The monster’s cousin is called Nawelito.